So, about Not Me! Monday...go here to see what it's all about and then do one yourself!
I have not, not at all, pulled up MckMama's blog just to look at her new header with a for real live picture of Stellan instead of the sonogram...that would be stalkerish.
I did not attempt to read MckMama's post about Stellan's birth at work one day...only to give up because I was crying and didn't want to have to explain to my co-workers that I was crying over a blog. And then I didn't try to read it again later that afternoon and cry like a baby all over again. Over a blog. A blog belonging to someone I've never met in for real life. Does that make me an official stalker???
I did not just see my first Christmas commercial...seriously, folks? It's barely November! At least there's no more political commercials!!! :)
I did not have to try FIVE different registers at Target before they could find one where both the computer and the debit card machine would work. And if I had, I certainly wouldn't have left my wallet sitting at one of those registers.
I did not miss a day and a half of work last week because of migraine issues.
I did not attempt to get out of a flu shot at church yesterday by saying that I'm afraid of needles...if I had it surely would have worked because all of those ladies didn't surely see my brand spanking new tattoo just a couple weeks ago. I also didn't run out of excuses and go ahead and get the shot. And I won't be super mad if I get the flu this year.