Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Not Me! Monday

So, over on the right side of my blog is a button about praying for sweet baby Stellan that also serves as a link to MckMama's blog. Stellan's story is beyond amazing and his life outside MckMama's belly hasn't even begun yet! Seriously...it's worth reading. I warn you, though, once you start you won't be able to stop.

So, about Not Me! Monday...go here to see what it's all about and then do one yourself!

I did not start this post last Tuesday and did not repeatedly save it as a draft so I wouldn't forget what I wanted to post for this weeks Not Me! Monday.

I did not lay down in my bed, with my computer on my lap, and fall asleep last Monday while reading everyone else's Not Me, Mondays. No, I did not sleep with my computer.

I did not eat Cheetos for breakfast the other day (and Doritoes the next day) just because I like Cheetos and there was nobody around to see me eat Cheetos for breakfast.
I have not looked at my blog obsessively to see where people looking at my Not Me! Monday are from...and if I had, my excitement would not be measured proportionately to the distance they are from where I live. I mean, really? Who has that much time...and so little to do with it???

Monday, September 29, 2008

Not Me! Monday

So, over on the right side of my blog is a button about praying for sweet baby Stellan that also serves as a link to MckMama's blog. Stellan's story is beyond amazing and his life outside MckMama's belly hasn't even begun yet! Seriously...it's worth reading. I warn you, though, once you start you won't be able to stop.

So, about Not Me! Monday...go here to see what it's all about and then do one yourself!

I did not have such an uneventful (yet busy!) week that I haven't posted anything since last week's Not Me Monday.

I did not look at MckMama's Not Me Monday at 6am with amazement that already 68 people had linked their Not Me Monday's. (And another 10 didn't link while I was reading the first 68.)

I did not read ALL 68 Not Me Monday posts this morning.

I did not write a talk yesterday afternoon that I am supposed to give tonight.

I am not sitting here trying to think of interesting Not Mes instead of getting ready for work...and I definitely will not be late to work because of it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not Me! Monday

So, over on the right side of my blog is a button about praying for sweet baby Stellan that also serves as a link to MckMama's blog. Stellan's story is beyond amazing and his life outside MckMama's belly hasn't even begun yet! Seriously...it's worth reading. I warn you, though, once you start you won't be able to stop.

So, about Not Me! Monday...go here to see what it's all about and then do one yourself!

1. Last week I did not discover that my fridge had died ten days before and spend an entire day cleaning it out.

2. While not cleaning out that fridge, I did not slip in water, bounce off a wall and hit the floor bruising my arm and, well, my tailbone.

3. While not cleaning out that fridge and not laying on the floor in pain, I did not think about how I would post such incidents on a Not Me! Monday post.

4. I did not eat a full plate of leftover green beans and black beans and rice for dinner at 9 tonight...and if I would have, I certainly would have heated them up first. But I did not.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ecuador 2006 - Part XVII

This trip was, probably, the best I’ve ever been on, while at the same time being the most difficult, physically and emotionally. I learned a lot on this trip about myself and about what the Lord is calling me to. I feel now, more than ever, the call to South America. Suddenly, I find myself thinking about South America not in terms of going for a year and seeing what the Lord says at the end, but thinking of simply going and doing and being until the Lord moves otherwise. He has captivated my heart with South America and the lives of the people there and I can do nothing but go.

I learned a lot on this trip, too, about the power of prayer. The things that I had specifically asked for prayer for were the things I received. My Spanish amazed me. I say that not in a proud way but in the way that the Lord touched my mouth and my brain to speak the language clearly and effectively. Before we left I asked Kitti to pray that I would be able to write everyday and that I would come home with a renewed energy to write. I did write everyday, and on the plane on the way home, realized again how much I love the English language and the depth and beauty of words and what you are reading now is the product of those prayers.

I started writing this, not with the intention of having a 25-page narrative of the trip, but to have something tangible to remind me and my new friends of our time in Ecuador, of this time that I hope changed all of our lives. What I have, now, is more than just twenty-five pages of words. Writing this has forced me to take the time to go back through my journal and, therefore, back through the trip, through everything I experienced and we experienced together. I walked, again, through amazing moments like the resplendence of the waterfall and very low moments of discouragement and frustration. And in retaking that journey, I found again, and maybe for the first time, all of the absolutely incredible things the Lord did to display to us His amazing hand. I hope everyone from our team finds this an accurate description of our trip. It is written from my experience and from my heart.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ecuador 2006 - Part XVI

Saturday morning it was time for us to depart from Ambato and head back to Quito. We would be catching a flight back to Miami early the next morning to head home. We said goodbye to Ester and the girls and Jonhattan and Ivonne that morning. When I hugged Ivonne goodbye, I promised her that I would be praying for their son and she said she would be praying for the decisions I had to make. When we left the hacienda for the last time that morning, Ben was still not well. He pretty much had to be carried to the bus and helped to a seat.

Ava and I sat together near the back of the bus for the ride back to Quito. We talked a lot and cried some. The week in Ecuador and the time with Jenni made me appreciate the presence of an Ava in my life; and that Ava was there with me, made me thankful again that she is the one the Lord chose to use in my life.

We dropped Ben off back at the HCJB guesthouse where we had stayed the previous weekend. We left him there to sleep and went to a Chinese restaurant in Quito. Josh’s camera was stolen while we were there, taken off the back of his chair. We were all disappointed for him because all of his pictures were lost, but we prayed for the guy who stole it, that his heart would be convicted by the pictures of the beautiful faces he would see.

From there, we went to an outdoor market in Ambato. I walked around with Ava, Lana and Dan; when it began raining, we picked a booth, bought some stuff and made our way back to the bus. While we were there, though, I was able to buy a beautiful tapestry for the Tree House. Danny was so pleased with what Ava and I found for them.

That evening, we picked up Ben from the guesthouse and went to the Koenig’s home for dinner and a time of debriefing. Ben seemed to be doing really well; he was sitting up and talking, but still shivering from the fever. We started the debrief and, of course, I had my journal and wrote down what just about everyone said. The debrief was going well, until Ben got up to go to the bathroom. He was really ill and dehydrated again so Jen, Lance and Chance took him to the emergency room at the HCJB hospital. We stopped and prayed for Ben before continuing the debrief. It was not long before Jen called from the hospital and said that they had given Ben an IV and he had begun to perk up right away, but that the doctors wanted to run some tests and make sure there wasn’t a major problem. He got back to the guesthouse for the night not long after us.

We awoke early Sunday morning so that we could leave in time to get to the airport for our early morning flight. Ben had spent the night with us, but before we left it was decided that he was too ill to travel so he and Danny would stay behind for a few more days. It was beyond difficult to say goodbye to Dan and Danny. I felt like I had connected with Dan in a way I never had with a missionary on a trip before; and leaving behind our team leader was heart breaking. It almost felt like we were abandoning a part of our team, especially watching Danny say goodbye to his teenage daughters who would be returning with us. It reminded me of the first time Ava and I had been in Peru when we left Rob and Lisa Grose there to take care of Laura Lins who had been diagnosed with cancer. The reality, though, was that Ben was not healthy enough to travel. There was a lot of walking through the airports in Quito, Miami and Atlanta and it would have been too much for him.