Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not Me! Monday

So, over on the right side of my blog is a button about praying for sweet baby Stellan that also serves as a link to MckMama's blog. Stellan's story is beyond amazing and his life outside MckMama's belly hasn't even begun yet!'s worth reading. I warn you, though, once you start you won't be able to stop.

So, about Not Me! Monday...go here to see what it's all about and then do one yourself!

1. Last week I did not discover that my fridge had died ten days before and spend an entire day cleaning it out.

2. While not cleaning out that fridge, I did not slip in water, bounce off a wall and hit the floor bruising my arm and, well, my tailbone.

3. While not cleaning out that fridge and not laying on the floor in pain, I did not think about how I would post such incidents on a Not Me! Monday post.

4. I did not eat a full plate of leftover green beans and black beans and rice for dinner at 9 tonight...and if I would have, I certainly would have heated them up first. But I did not.


T said...

Awww...I really am trying not to laugh...I'm sure it did hurt but it's hard not to laugh at the mental picture of it happening!

Kerry said...

Yeah...the farther removed I am from it...and the less it hurts, the funnier it is! :)

Nancy said...

Ooooh, 10 days! It took a lot of courage to even venture near the refrigerator! But, your description certainly made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

I always eat cold leftovers, too! I mean, I don't. Totally not. Ick.

Thanks for the nice words and for playing along!!

EC said...

I never eat cold leftovers. Nuh uh, not me!