So, about Not Me! Monday...go here to see what it's all about and then do one yourself!
1. Last week I did not discover that my fridge had died ten days before and spend an entire day cleaning it out.
2. While not cleaning out that fridge, I did not slip in water, bounce off a wall and hit the floor bruising my arm and, well, my tailbone.
3. While not cleaning out that fridge and not laying on the floor in pain, I did not think about how I would post such incidents on a Not Me! Monday post.
4. I did not eat a full plate of leftover green beans and black beans and rice for dinner at 9 tonight...and if I would have, I certainly would have heated them up first. But I did not.
Awww...I really am trying not to laugh...I'm sure it did hurt but it's hard not to laugh at the mental picture of it happening!
Yeah...the farther removed I am from it...and the less it hurts, the funnier it is! :)
Ooooh, 10 days! It took a lot of courage to even venture near the refrigerator! But, your description certainly made me laugh!
I always eat cold leftovers, too! I mean, I don't. Totally not. Ick.
Thanks for the nice words and for playing along!!
I never eat cold leftovers. Nuh uh, not me!
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