Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Keep Praying!!!

Hey, friends!

I think I emailed you all awhile back about Nathan and Tricia. Tricia has had Cystic Fibrosis her whole life (she's 24). Back in the fall, the day before she was to start physical therapy to prepare for a double lung transplant, she found out she was pregnant. Baby Gwyneth was born in January...more than 15 weeks early. Gwyneth hasn't had any major complications...certainly nothing more than your average micro-preemie. (Is there really such thing as an average micro-preemie???)

Anyway, Tricia has been in the hospital for over three months now and won't leave until she gets her new lungs. Over the weekend, they got the call that there was a potential match...and a few hours later found out the lungs were no good for Tricia. (Nate is still asking for prayer for the family of the donor...even though Tricia didn't get the lungs, someone still lost a loved one.) Yesterday, Tricia had to have a procedure involving a chest tube to relieve pressure on a collapsed lung...she's been in pain and was having trouble breathing (more than normal).

Today, they got another call...and it sounds like these lungs are more promising than the first pair. Pray that Tricia's body can take these lungs so she can be a part of Baby Gwyneth's life! And, pray for the grieving family, as well.

You can read about their whole story here: Confessions of a CF Husband

Oh, and just a side is Nathan's birthday...wouldn't that be the greatest birthday gift, ever!? :)