Monday, August 23, 2010

Blog Plans

Is it possible to go from a hardly-ever blogger to a hyperactive one in the span of about 3 days?

I think I've done just that.

I have three "series" in my head that I'd like to work on.  I want to share about my trip to Jordan from this past April, my trip to Israel next month, and this other thing.  I love words.  I love to read and write...even if I don't do enough of either.  And I am absolutely fascinated by song lyrics, particularly worship songs and hymns.  So often we learn the words to a song and just sing them without giving thought to what we're singing, proclaiming or promising.  I would really like to write a book exploring common songs and hymns and what those things really mean.  Since I don't really know how to go about writing a book, I think I'll begin here with essays about such things.

I'm thinking I'll come up with a, a day for each series and post to each series once a week.  Gosh, that's ambitious...that's three posts a week.

Thus, my opening statement.

We shall see.

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