Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not Me! Monday

So, over on the right side of my blog is a button about praying for sweet baby Stellan that also serves as a link to MckMama's blog. Stellan's story is beyond amazing and his life outside MckMama's belly hasn't even begun yet!'s worth reading. I warn you, though, once you start you won't be able to stop.

So, about Not Me! Monday...go here to see what it's all about and then do one yourself!

I did not get ridiculously excited that I had two comments on last week's Not Me! Monday post within minutes of posting it...AND because one of them was from MckMama.

When telling others the amazing story of wee Stellan, I do not refer to MckMama as "this girl I know" or "my friend" even though I have never met her in real life and have only emailed a few times. That would be a little obsessive and slightly stalker-ish. Sure am glad I don't do that.

Since I do not start my new Not Me! Monday post shortly after posting the previous one, I am not hoping that the events of this week give me more to blog about since my last three consecutive posts have been Not Me! Monday posts. But I don't start my Not Me! Monday posts (and I definitely don't repeatedly hit "save as draft") early enough to do that.

I did not get REALLY excited when I saw that people from THREE different countries have visited my blog over the last 36 hours...that's SO cool...I mean...that is SO not-cool!

This past week I was not asked (and definitely did not accept) an offer to coordinate a mock wedding for a pretty huge bridal show. Of course, if I had been asked and accepted, I would have had to create a 'company' name and blog to have a professional looking listing on the vendor list, but I did not. And, if I had created a 'company' and a blog it most certainly would not be called Shiloh Fusion Events...and that wouldn't be a link to said blog. Oh, and I wouldn't have high plans to spend a number of my 40 work hours this week creating posts for that blog from the weddings I've done in the past...I'm far to diligent and disciplined for that.


Anonymous said...

Oh! I LOVE that you "don't" refer to me as "this girl I know" or "my friend." How totally cute is that!? I mean, even if it is stalkerish. It's cute;)

The Kopers said...

hee hee. i do not love your fake company blog. i am not going to it right now to leave you fake messages about my fake upcoming wedding!

The Kopers said...

just kidding :-)

Ashley said...

i don't think any of us refer to mckmama as "this girl i know" no way!!!

Mike and Katie said...

We certainly don't don't refer to MckMama as "this girl I know" because it just takes less time than 1) Explaining that she writes a blog we read. 2) Explaining what a blog is to the non-blogging world.


Kelsey said...

Yeah I don't refer to bloggers as "this girl I know" or "my friend" either lol.

I love the fake company blog, very cute. You want to sign me up for a fake wedding? maybe a "mail order husband" while I'm at it?

-stephanie- said...

I wouldn't get excited about my "friends" that I don't even know, posting on my blog either.

Anonymous said...

How do you know what countries visit your blog?

I love the not me post too.. they are so fun..

Shanan Strange said...

MckMama is my long lost best friend! Don't you feel like you have a personal relationship with her.. Don't know what I will do if she ever decides to stop blogging. :(

heidi said...

What? No cheetos? I thought we established that they were, indeed, healthy?


Anonymous said...

"Since I do not start my new Not Me! Monday post shortly after posting the previous one, I am not hoping that the events of this week give me more to blog about since my last three consecutive posts have been Not Me! Monday posts. But I don't start my Not Me! Monday posts (and I definitely don't repeatedly hit "save as draft") early enough to do that."

That is the best idea EVER! I'm totally NOT going to steal it ;D

Amie said...

I so don't do that when talking about my blogger friends. Glad to NO others don't as well!
