Its really weird when someone younger than you passes away. A few years ago (June 2003) I was an adult leader on a youth missions trip to Indiana...Matt Lewis was one of the high school guys. We called him Frodo...the LOTR movies were out and very popular then and he look just like, well, Frodo. Anyway, even then, when he was just a high schooler, Matt was an impressive guy. I couldn't tell you the last time I talked to him, or even if he would have any clue who I am...but I've seen him around, watched him, and been consistently impressed with the way he loved the Lord and other people. He went to UGA (he's 21 now) and lived just a few doors down from a good friend of mine, and his girlfriend was my friends roommate so I heard a lot about his life in Athens, too...and it was all consistent with the way he lived his life at church when he was home.
Last Friday night, Matt was in a skateboarding accident. I'm not really sure what happened other than that he fell on his back and hit his head on the concrete. He went into emergency brain surgery, twice and made it through the weekend with substantial swelling in his brain. Yesterday afternoon they tested his brain activity and found nothing. There was nothing the doctors could do so the family made the decision to remove the ventilator. Matt went to hang out with Jesus at about 7 last night. His family, girlfriend and friends are grieving...pray for them.
Well done, Matt...we're proud of you!
It's always sobering when someone you know dies. It's not something we like to think of often-death, I mean. It's tough to wrap our brains around it all!
I hope your trip is wonderful!!
Oh, and I love the look of your blog! : )
Sorry about your friend but rejoicing for him! Have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.
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